What is the server name for Roadrunner email

Roadrunner email, managed by Spectrum, is a popular email service used by many for personal and professional communication. To set up your Roadrunner email account on various email clients or devices, you need to know the correct server names and settings. This article will guide you through the necessary server details for both incoming and outgoing mail.

Roadrunner Email Server Names and Settings

Incoming Mail Server

IMAP (Recommended)

  • Server Address: mail.twc.com

  • Port: 993

  • Security: SSL/TLS

  • Username: Your full Roadrunner email address.

  • Password: Your Roadrunner email password


  • Server Address: mail.twc.com

  • Port: 995

  • Security: SSL/TLS

  • Username: Your full Roadrunner email address .

  • Password: Your Roadrunner email password

Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP)

  • Server Address: mail.twc.com

  • Port: 587

  • Security: TLS or STARTTLS

  • Username: Your full Roadrunner email address.

  • Password: Your Roadrunner email password

Setting Up Roadrunner Email on Different Platforms


  1. Open Outlook: Launch Microsoft Outlook on your computer.

  2. Add Account: Go to the "File" menu and click "Add Account".

  3. Enter Email Address: Type your Roadrunner email address and click "Connect".

  4. Choose Account Type: Select IMAP or POP based on your preference.

  5. Enter Server Settings:

    • IMAP:

      • Incoming Mail Server: mail.twc.com

      • Port: 993

      • Encryption Method: SSL/TLS

    • POP:

      • Incoming Mail Server: mail.twc.com

      • Port: 995

      • Encryption Method: SSL/TLS

    • SMTP:

      • Outgoing Mail Server: mail.twc.com

      • Port: 587

      • Encryption Method: TLS or STARTTLS

  6. Enter Login Information: Username (full Roadrunner email address) and password.

  7. Complete Setup: Click "Next" to verify the settings and finish the setup.


  1. Open Settings: Tap the "Settings" app.

  2. Navigate to Mail: Scroll down and select "Mail".

  3. Add Account: Tap "Accounts" > "Add Account" > "Other" > "Add Mail Account".

  4. Enter Account Details: Name, email address, password, and description.

  5. Enter Server Settings:

    • IMAP:

      • Incoming Mail Server: mail.twc.com

      • Port: 993

      • Encryption Method: SSL/TLS

    • POP:

      • Incoming Mail Server: mail.twc.com

      • Port: 995

      • Encryption Method: SSL/TLS

    • SMTP:

      • Outgoing Mail Server: mail.twc.com

      • Port: 587

      • Encryption Method: TLS or STARTTLS

  6. Save and Verify: Tap "Next" to verify the settings and complete the setup.


  1. Open Email App: Open the default Email app or any third-party email client.

  2. Add Account: Enter your Roadrunner email address and password.

  3. Manual Setup: If prompted, choose "Manual Setup".

  4. Select Account Type: Choose IMAP or POP3.

  5. Enter Server Settings:

    • IMAP:

      • Incoming Mail Server: mail.twc.com

      • Port: 993

      • Encryption Method: SSL/TLS

    • POP:

      • Incoming Mail Server: mail.twc.com

      • Port: 995

      • Encryption Method: SSL/TLS

    • SMTP:

      • Outgoing Mail Server: mail.twc.com

      • Port: 587

      • Encryption Method: TLS or STARTTLS

  6. Complete Setup: Tap "Next" and follow the prompts to finish.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Double-check Credentials: Ensure your email address and password are entered correctly.

  • Server Settings: Verify the incoming and outgoing server addresses, ports, and security settings.

  • Internet Connection: Ensure your device has an active internet connection.

  • Contact Support: If issues persist, contact Spectrum customer support for assistance.


Knowing the correct server names and settings is essential for configuring your Roadrunner email on various devices and email clients. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure seamless access to your emails. For any issues or additional assistance, Spectrum’s customer support is always available to help you.

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